Too often we rush through life like it’s a big
I’m certainly guilty of this-
creating false deadlines, long to do lists & placing unnecessary & harmful
pressure on myself to achieve & “get things done”.
Isn’t the biggest goal in life to be
What is the point of achieving
& getting things done if you’re frantic & miserable in the name of “chasing
I only truly understood this
recently but happiness is the way & it’s an inside job.
Happiness is a state of mind, a way of being,
not some elusive point in the future when we have the perfect home, career,
partner, body or whatever else is on one’s checklist for a
perfect life.
Not that we shouldn’t strive for these things & make them a reality
but when you're happy inside it’s like having an internal flame that never
goes out, no matter what may be happening on the outside.
Do you want to live a defensive life where
your happiness is at the mercy of external things that are almost all out of
your control?
How much more peaceful
& secure would you feel if you knew that no matter what happens externally your
internal flame is always burning strong? And the ironic part is that when you are happy inside your external reality mirrors this.
I try to get outside everyday, usually by going for a run or
Breathing in the fresh air,
feeling the sunshine on my face & physically moving my body all give me
some much needed perspective of how I fit into the planet & how my tasks &
worries of the day are really pretty meaningless in the grand scheme of
When we get sick we are forced
to slow down & the world doesn’t end when we miss a day or even a week or
longer of work (sorry ego!).
Why not
slow down when you’re healthy & enjoy all of life’s blessings?
Makes a lot more sense, right?!
Do you realize that Eckhart Tolle spent two years of his
life sitting on a park bench in London? This was a necessary step for him to become
one of the greatest spiritual teachers of our time. My life certainly would not have been the
same without him & his teachings.
Luxuriate in life my friends. Before you know it children will be adults,
our beloved pets will be gone & our own time on this earth will be gone in
the blink of an eye. Savor life. Each moment is infinitely precious & is
all we ever have.
“Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing
still.” - Chinese Proverb
P.S. I took this picture on Thursday on a beautiful stroll
through the West Village. I was delighted to see butterflies covering
this plant & had a pleasant chat with some seniors who were enjoying the
sight as well; we talked about our mutual
love for NYC & our favorite spot to walk along the Hudson River,
kindred spirits indeed :)